Mangala Sutta

 the Discourse on the Blessings

for blessings and prosperity

Yam mangalam dvadasahi,

cintayimsu sadevaka;

sotthanam nadhigacchanti,

atthattimsanca mangalam.


Men, and deities, for twelve years, have tried to find out the meaning of blessing.. They could not even find out the meaning of the thirty-eight blessings that are the cause of happiness.



Desitam devadevena,

sabba papa vinasanam;

sabba loka hitatthaya,

mangalam tam bhanama he.


Oh, Noble Ones! Let us recite those blessings, which destroy all evil, taught by the Deity of Deities, for the benefit of all beings.



Evam me sutam:

ekam samayam bhagava savatthiyam viharati

jetavane anathapindikassa arame.

Atha kho annatara devata,

abhikkantaya rattiya abhikkantavanna,

kevalakappam jetavanam obhasetva,

yena bhagava tenupasankami,

upasankamitva bhagavantam abhivadetva

ekamantam atthasi. ekamantam thita kho

sa devata bhagavantam gathaya ajjhabhasi.


Thus have I heard. At one time the Blessed One was dwelling at the monastery of Anathapindika in Jeta's Grove near the city of Savatthi. Then a certain deity at the late night with surpassing splendor, having illuminated the entire Jeta's Grove, came to the Blessed One. Drawing near, the deity respectfully paid homage to the Blessed One, stood at a suitable distance and then addressed the Blessed One in verse:



Bahu deva manussa ca,

mangalani acintayum;

akankhamana sotthanam,

bruhi mangalam-uttamam.


"Many deities and men, desiring for happiness, have pondered upon the meaning of blessings. Please explain to me what the highest blessing is."



Asevana ca balanam,

panditanan ca sevana;

puja ca pujaneyyanam,

etam mangalam-uttamam.


Not to associate with fools, to associate with the wise and honour those who are worthy of honour. This is the highest blessing.



Patirupadesavaso ca,

pubbe ca katapunnata;

attasammapanidhi ca,

etam mangalam-uttamam.


To live in a suitable place, to have done the meritorious actions in the past, and properly to keep one's mind and body. This is the highest blessing.



Bahusaccanca sippanca,

vinayo ca susikkhito;

subhasita ca ya vaca,

etam mangalam-uttamam.


To have much knowledge, to be skilled in crafts, to be well-trained in discipline and to have good speech. This is the highest blessing.




puttadarassa sangaho;

anakula ca kammanta,

etam mangalam-uttamam.


Looking after one's mother and father, supporting one's wife and children and having an appropriate career. This is the highest blessing.



Dananca dhammacariya ca,

natakananca sangaho;

anavajjani kammani,

etam mangalam-uttamam.


Generosity, righteous practice, supporting one's relatives and blameless actions. This is the highest blessing.



Arati virati papa,

majjapana ca samyamo;

appamado ca dhammesu,

etam mangalam-uttamam.


Abstaining from evil thoughts, abstaining from evil deed and speech, restraint from intoxicants and not-neglecting wholesome acts. This is the highest blessing.



Garavo ca nivato ca,

santutthi ca katannuta;

kalena dhammassavanam,

etam mangalam-uttamam.


Being respectful, humble, contented, grateful and listening to the Dhamma at a suitable time. This is the highest blessing.



Khanti ca sovacassata,

samanananca dassanam;

kalena dhammasakaccha,

etam mangalam-uttamam.


Being patient, obedient, meeting the monks and discussing the Dhamma on suitable occasions. This is the highest blessing.



Tapo ca brahmacariyanca,

ariyasaccana dassanam

nibbana sacchikiriya ca

etam mangalam-uttamam.


Having subdued evil actions, leading a noble life, seeing the Noble Truths and realization of Nibbana. This is the highest blessing.



Phutthassa lokadhammehi,

cittam yassa na kampati;

asokam virajam khemam,

etam mangalam-uttamam.


The mind of a worthy one (an Arahant), confronted with the eight worldly conditions is not shaken. It is sorrowless, stainless and secure. This is the highest blessing."



Etadisani katvana,

sabbattha maparajita;

sabbattha sotthim gacchanti;

tam tesam mengalam-uttamam.


Having fulfilled such blessings these being are victorious everywhere and gain happiness everywhere. These are the highest blessings for them.



Mangala suttam nitthitam.


Here ends the Discourse on the Blessings.

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