Mora Sutta

 the Discourse on the Peacock Bodhisatta

for protection against snares, imprisonment and for safety


Purentam bodhi sambhare,

nibbattam mora yoniyam;

yena samvihita rakkham,

mahasattam vanecara.


The Great Being (Bodhisatta), who was reborn as a peacock while he was fulfilling the necessary three grades of perfections for Buddhahood, has recited this Paritta for his own protection.



Cirassam vayamantapi,

neva sakkhimsu ganhitum,

"brahmamantan" ti akkhatam,

parittam tam bhanama he.


The hunters tried to capture it for a long time, but could not because of the chanting of this Paritta, which is said to be like a divine Mantra. Oh, Noble Ones! Let us recite this Paritta now.



Udetayam cakkhuma ekaraja,

harissa vanno pathavippa bhaso;

tam tam namassami harissa vannam

pathavippa bhasam

tayajja gutta viharemu divasam.


There rises the sun, which gives eyes to the whole world to see. It is the sole king, golden and bright all over the earth. I pay respect to the sun, golden and bright all over the earth. Being protected by you, we will live safely the whole day.



Ye brahmana vedagu sabbadhamme,

te me namo, te ca mam palayantu;

namatthu buddhanam, namatthu bodhiya,

namo vimuttanam, namo vimuttiya;

imam so parittam katva,

moro carati esana.


I pay homage to those Most Purified Ones, who have comprehended all Dhammas. May they protect me. Let there be homage to the Blessed Ones, let there be homage to Supreme Enlightenment of the Buddhas, let there be homage to those who have become free from bondage. Let there be homage to the five kinds of emancipation. That peacock having made this protection went about to search for food.



Apetyam cakkhuma ekaraja,

harissa vanno pathavippa bhaso;

tam tam namassami harissa vannam pathavippabhasam,

tayajja gutta viharemu rattim.


There sets the sun, which gives eyes to the whole world to see, which is the sole king, golden and bright all over the earth. I pay respect to that sun, golden, and bright all over the earth. Being protected by you, we will live safely the whole night.



Ye brahmana vedagu sabbadhamme,

te me namo, te ca mam palayantu;

namatthu buddhanam, namatthu bodhiya,

namo vimuttanam, namo vimuttiya;

imam so parittam katva,

moro vasa makappayi.


I pay homage to those Most Purified Ones, who have comprehended all Dhammas. May they protect me. Let there be homage to the Blessed Ones, let there be homage to Supreme Enlightenment of the Buddhas, let there be homage to those who have become free from bondage. Let there be homage to the five kinds of emancipation. That peacock made this protection and then went to sleep.



Mora Suttam Nitthitam


Here ends the Discourse on the Peacock Bodhisatta.


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