Pubbanha Sutta

 the Discourse on A Good Morning

for protection against bad omens, etc.,

and gaining happiness


Yam dunnimittam avamangalanca,

yo ca manapo sakunassa saddo;

papaggaho dussupinam akantam,

buddhanubhavena vinasam-entu.

Whatever bad omens, inauspicious signs, undesirable sounds of birds, influence of bad planets, or unpleasant dreams there are, may they be destroyed by the glorious power of the Buddha.



Yam dunnimittam avamangalanca,

yo ca manapo sakunassa saddo;

papaggaho dussupinam akantam,

dhamanubhavena vinasam-entu.

Whatever bad omens, inauspicious signs, undesirable sounds of birds, influence of unlucky planets, or unpleasant dreams there are, may they be destroyed by the glorious power of the Dhamma.



Yam dunnimittam avamangalanca,

yo ca manapo sakunassa saddo;

papaggaho dussupinam akantam,

samghanubhavena vinasam-entu.

Whatever bad omens, inauspicious signs, undesirable sounds of birds, unlucky planets, or unpleasant dreams there are, may they be destroyed by the glorious power of the Samgha.



Dukkhappatta ca niddukkha,

bhayappatta ca nibbhaya;

sokappatta ca nissoka,

hontu sabbepi panino.

May those beings who suffer, be free from suffering. May those beings who are in fear be free from fear. May those beings who are in grief be free from grief.



Ettavata ca amhehi,

sambhatam punnasampadam;

sabbe deva numodantu,


To this extent, may all deities rejoice in the accomplishment of merits which we have thus fulfilled.



Danam dadantu saddhaya,

silam rakkhantu sabbada;

bhavanabhirata hontu,

gacchantu devata' gata.

May you all practise generosity with confidence. May you all always observe moral precepts. May you all take delight in meditation. May all the deities who have assembled here return to their respective abodes.



Sabbe buddha balappatta,

paccekananca yam balam;

arhantananca tejena,

rakkham bandhami sabbaso.

All Buddhas, all Pacceka Buddhas and all Arahants possessed great physical strength and intellectual strength. By the glorious power of them, I fortify protection around me at all the time.



Yam kinci vittam idha va huram va,

saggesu va yam ratanam panitam;

na no samam atthi tathagatena,

idampi buddhe ratanam panitam,

etena saccena suvatthi hotu.

Whatever treasures there be either here or in the world beyond, or whatever precious jewel is in the heavenly world, there is no equal to the Accomplished One. In the Buddha is this precious jewel. By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness.



Yam kinci vittam idha va huram va,

saggesu va yam ratanam panitam;

na no samam atthi tathagatena,

idampi dhamme ratanam panitam,

etena saccena suvatthi hotu.

Whatever treasures there be either here or in the world beyond, or whatever precious jewel is in the heavenly world, there is no equal to the Accomplished Dhamma. In the Dhamma is this precious jewel. By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness.



Yam kinci vittam idha va huram va,

saggesu va yam ratanam panitam;

na no samam atthi tathagatena,

idampi samghe ratanam panitam,

etena saccena suvatthi hotu.

Whatever treasures there be either here or in the world beyond, or whatever precious jewel is in the heavenly world, there is no equal to the Accomplished Samgha. In the Samgha is this precious jewel. By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness.



Bhavatu sabbamangalam,

rakkhantu sabbadevata;


sada sukhi bhavantu te.

May all blessings be upon you. May all deities protect you. By the gracious power of all Buddhas, may you all ever be well and happy.



Bhavatu sabbamangalam,

rakkhantu sabbadevata;


sada sukhi bhavantu te.

May all blessings be upon you. May all deities protect you. By the gracious power of all Dhammas, may you all ever be well and happy.



Bhavatu sabbamangalam,

rakkhantu sabbadevata;


sada sukhi bhavantu te.

May all blessings be upon you. May all deities protect you. By the gracious power of all Samghas, may you all ever be well and happy.



Maharuniko natho,

hitaya sabbapaninam;

puretva parami sabba,

patto sambodhimuttamam;

etena saccavajjena,

sotthi te hotu sabbada.

The Great Compassionate Lord fulfilled all the Perfections for the benefit of all beings and reached the highest state of the Supreme Enlightenment. By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness for you always.



Jayanto bodhiya mule,

sakyanam nandi vaddhano,

evameva jayo hotu,

jayassu jaya mangale.

Just as the Buddha, who enhanced the satisfaction of the Sakyas, was victorious at the foot of the Bodhi Tree of Enlightenment. Even so, may this victory be yours. May you achieve victory with joy by the blessings of this event.



Aparajita pallanke,

sise puthuvipukkhale,

abhiseke sabba buddhanam,

aggappatto pamodati.

The Lord attained the highest stage at the undefeatable seat, the best on the earth and being consecrated by all Buddhas and rejoiced in it. In the same way, may you reach the highest stage and rejoice in it.



Sunakkhattam sumangalam,

suppabhatam suhutthitam;

sukhano sumuhutto ca,

suyittham brahmacarisu.

Through out the day, may the stars, blessings, daybreak, waking time, and every moment of the day be auspicious. Offerings made to the Noble Ones on such a day are well-made.



Padakkhinam kayakammam,

vacakammam padakkhinam;

padakkhinam manokammam,

panidhi te padakkhine.

On such a day all bodily actions are right, all verbal actions are right, and all mental actions are right. These three actions are established in the right way for prosperity.



Padakkhinani katvana,

labhantatthe padakkhine;

te atthaladdha sukhita,

virulha buddha sasane.

aroga sukhita hotha,

saha sabbehi natibhi.

One carries out good actions so that he obtains good results. Having obtained good results may you have bliss and growth in the Dispensation of the Buddha. May you together with all your relatives, be free from all diseases and be happy.



Pubbanha Suttam Nitthitam

Here ends the Discourse on A Good Morning.

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