Vatta Sutta

  the Discourse on the Quail Bodhisatta

for protection against fire


Purentam bodhi sambhare,

nibbattam vatta jatiyam;

yassa tejena davaggi,

mahasattam vivajjayi.


By the power of this Paritta, the forest fire passed over the great being who was reborn as a quail while he was fulfilling the perfections for Buddhahood.



Therassa sariputtassa,

loka nathena bhasitam;

kappatthayim mahatejam,

parittam tam bhanama he.


This Discourse was delivered by the Lord of the World to Venerable Sariputta. It lasts for the entire world cycle and it possesses great power. Oh, noble ones! Let us recite this Paritta now.



Atthi loke silaguno,

saccam soceyya-nuddaya;

tena saccena kahami,



There are in the world the virtues of morality, truthfulness, purity, loving kindness and compassion. By the Truth of Dhamma, I will make a matchless statement of truth.



Avajjetva dhamma balam,

saritva pubbake jine;

sacca balam-avassaya,

sacca kiriyam-akasaham.


Having reflected upon the strength of the Dhamma and having remembered the Victorious Ones of former time, I made a matchless statement relying on the strength of truthfulness:



Santi pakkha apatana,

santi pada avancana;

mata pita ca nikkhanta,

jataveda patikkama.


I have wings, but I can’t fly. I have feet, but I can’t walk. My mother and father have left me. Oh forest fire! Retreat.



Saha sacce kate mayham,

mahapajjalito sikhi;

vajjesi solasa karisani,

udakam patva yatha sikhi;

saccena me samo natthi,

esa me saccaparami.


As soon as I have made this statement of truth, the great flames of the fire avoided me from sixteen lengths (hectares), like a fire touching water. There is nothing equal to my truth. This is my perfection of truth.



Vatta Suttam Nitthitam


Here ends the Discourse on the Quail Bodhisatta.

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